About us

Blood cannot be manufactured in factories; it can only come from generous donors. To cater to this demand, “Apna Blood bank” was launched on 2019 with an unparalleled objective of solving the problem of blood shortage in India.

According to WHO data, India faces a shortage of 3 million blood units. This shortage can easily be eliminated if only an additional 2% of India's youth donates blood.To make this possible, “Apna Blood bank” acts as a channel connecting voluntary blood donors with those who need blood. It is a youth-run organization and provides free help and services to poor and the needy. Read More.....

Our Mission

To serve the community by providing optimal quality blood and transfusion products & cost effective services through commitments, dedication and care and create an awareness by means of education in the field of transfusion medicine.

Our Vision

To recognized as the centre of excellence in procurement, processing, storage and distribution of blood and blood components through innovative and contemporary technology in compliance with international standards thus surpassing expectations and aimed at keeping the trust and confidence of all our end users.

Our Services

Apna Whole Bloods
Packed Red Blood cells (PRBC)
Frozen Plasma (FFP)
Platelet concentrate (RDP)
Platelets (Single Donor Platelets via cell separator)

Frequently Asked Question?

Become A Proud Blood Donor